Advance Look at review in The Halo Halo Review T.C. MARSHALL Reviews This is for the Mostless by Jason Magabo-Perez (Word Tech Editions, 2017) BOOK LINK So Good in English This is for the Mostless was a thrilling book to read. I almost held my breath as pages turned and revealed more and more great work. We find poems, narratives, anecdotes, investigations, considerations, memoirs, elegies, analyses, and more. The composition of the book, its components built of many pieces, leads us into a deep reading. Every true book of poetry teaches us how to read it. If that’s something we think we already know, well, we’ve got another think coming. Jason Magabo-Perez’s uses of form and content shape a book with simultaneous depth on both the “inside” of feeling experience and the “outside” angle of social analysis. With him, the personal is most emphatically the political. I am very much looking forward to his next book, said t...